Ethical Thinking

In this section we will discuss how ethical thinking should guide you in your academic work and in your engineering practice. The most basic principle is that the outcome of engineering should be useful and not harmful to society; it should bring value to society.

To gain more insight into ethical engineering practice we can look to the organisations that represent engineering professions. Professional organisations exist to promote and guide professionals. A professional organisation will provide its members with an Ethical Code that focuses on the values that underpin the organisation, and outlines the organisation’s obligation to its self and society. Such codes may include guidance to staff on ethical standards and how to ethically achieve the goals of the organization. Examples of Code of Ethics / Code of Conduct from professional organisations are given below (one for each department):


Please visit the web page of the professional organization related to your field of study, and use ethical thinking to guide the way the you design, build and test the product that you create in your capstone course.