Student Responsibilities

Each student is responsible for understanding the capstone course – the objectives, core concepts, processes and roles. The student should be proactive in the process of forming a team, choosing a project, planning, designing, building, testing and documenting.

As well as being assigned primary technical tasks according to their knowledge, skills and interests, members of the team are expected to work together in a collaborative manner supporting each other to achieve the overall success of the project. In addition to their primary tasks, team members will share responsibilities relating to planning, integration, and documentation; these responsibilities are explained below. These tasks are common to all projects and are critical to the success of the project. A team member assigned to one of these tasks will have their primary task workload reduced in compensation to maintain a fair work-load.

Project planning responsible
The team member assigned to this responsibility will gain an overall understanding, through discussion with the whole team, of the tasks and timeline of the project and prepare a project plan. This team member is responsible for communicating the plan to the team and preparing the plan in a form suitable for presenting in the written project proposal (Capstone I) and final project report (Capstone II). The team member who is responsible for this task should also track the progress of the project and regularly report this progress to the team and project advisers.

Project integration responsible
The team member assigned this to responsibility will gain an overall understanding, through discussion with the whole team, of the sub-systems of the product that need integrating. This involves developing standards and protocols at the beginning of the project (as part of the project design) and communicating them to the rest of the team. This team member who is responsible for this task should also aid and encourage timely integration and validation.

Project documentation responsible
The team member assigned to this responsibility will gain an overall understanding, through discussion with project advisers, of the requirements for the project proposal (Capstone I) and final project report (Capstone II). This team member will request documentation from each team member and present it in the required form in the project proposal / final project report. To make this task easier, a report template and guide is provided resource section.

All of the above tasks require team members to support each other proactively to make sure that these tasks are completed.