Software and Guides

Below you can find links to software, applications, guide and tutorials.
Please don’t hesitate to give feedback, opinions and suggestions.

MATLAB and Simulink

A corporate license is available for MATLAB and Simulink for all BAU students and staff.
Please contact Dr. XXXXXXXX from your BAU email account for the link.
Also, online training (free of charge, included in the MATLAB Campus License) is available from

Drawing – [no sign up][web browser] Simple but high quality diagrams – recommended for your capstone project reports and presentations. – [free limited sign up][web browser] similar to, but more features than

Project management

Microsoft Teams – [login with your BAU account].

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) – [free limited sign up] 3D modelling. – free and open-source 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software with finite element method (FEM) support. – [free sign up] free alternative to AutoCAD

Autocad – [commercial] computer-aided design (CAD) software
Fusion 360 – [commercial] 3D modeling Integrated CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software.

Fusion 360 is available for free (one year) to all students and can be acquired from; you will need to create an Autodesk account with your school email and verify your affiliation.
Similarly, Autocad is available for free (one year) to all students and can be acquired from

Electronics – Fritzing [free sign up] for illustrating your electronics architecture (Turorial – MultiSimLive [free limited sign up] Electronic Circuit simulation – EsayEDA [free, online] Online PCB design & circuit simulator – Falstad [free, online] circuit simulator

Programming and computation

Octave – free alternative to Matlab – Octave online – online programming (many supported languages) – Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase.
cdf.html – CDF calculator for statistics (download it to your desktop).
PyCharm Pro – Free for Bahcesehir University students for one year upon registration with the University email. If you retain the email address after the first year, you can also extend this license.

Guide and Tutorials

DroneBot Workshop; very well-made and instructive videos
The DroneBot Workshop is the place to be if you are interested in working with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Electronics, Robotics, Internet of Things, Quadcopters and other high tech fun things.
How To Mechatronics – another excellent Youtube channel

Arduino – Arduino Tutorial
Linux Shell Guide – basic Linux shell guide to get you started (e.g. on Raspberry Pi other Linux OS).

Networking – Hamachi VPN [download for Linux/MAC/Windows] is free for up to 5 computers in your network.