Report Templates

A project report template and guide is provided below to guide your team through the documentation process. The template can be used for both the project proposal and the final project report with some modifications that are explained in the guide. Alternative templates for Section 3 (sub-systems) are provided for some departments.

The capstone checklist has two roles:
1. it provides a checklist for the key concepts that need to be addressed in the design and in the report,
2. each team member must provide answers in the checklist and upload the document to itslearning as a required assignment both in the draft week and again in the final submission week, and for both the proposal(4991) and final report(4992). This will give you plenty of practice and feedback for this important document.

Important Notes:

  • The project proposal/final report should be a single document for the whole inter-departmental project team with contributions from all team members.
  • Each project is assigned with a documentation responsible student; this is an important responsibility, see the Student responsibilities page.
  • Pay attention to the advice of your capstone course coordinator who will give you instructions on the specific content required for your department.
  • Pay attention to the advice of your project adviser who will give you instructions on the specific content required for your sub-system.
  • The checklist must be filled by each team member in full and approved by your adviser before the final proposal/report is accepted.

Report Template (.docx)

[Version 01/05/2021]

Report Guide (.pdf)

[Version 23/05/2021]

CapstoneChecklist (.docx)

[Version 12.05.2021]





Additional resources: